Medical Physics Department incorporates Nuclear Medicine Physics, Radiotherapy Physics, the Regional Radiation Protection Service, Scientific Computing, Technical Services and the National Coordinating Centre for the Physics of Mammography (NCCPM) run on behalf of the UK Health Security Agency. We provide internationally recognised medical physics services to the many clinical services within the Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and over 300 external Healthcare Providers”.
– Liz Adams, Interim Head of Medical Physics

Sections & Centres

The Regional Radiation Protection Service

The Regional Radiation Protection Service (RRPS) based in the Department of Medical Physics at the Royal Surrey County Hospital (RSCH) ...

Nuclear Medicine

The Nuclear Medicine Physics Department is located within the St Luke’s Wing of the Royal Surrey County Hospital.  We provide ...

The National Co-ordinating Centre for the Physics of Mammography

The National Co-ordinating Centre for the Physics of Mammography (NCCPM) is run on behalf of the NHS Breast Screening Programme ...

Radiotherapy Physics

The Radiotherapy Physics section is responsible for providing scientific services to the Radiotherapy Department of St Luke’s Cancer Centre, which ...

Scientific Computing

Scientific Computing’s remit covers involvement in a number of areas throughout the trust including Clinical Computing, Informatics and all sections ...

Latest News

Medical Physics BBQ

The entire medical physics team got together for a BBQ at the Royal Surrey Social Club.It was great to see ...

Milestones achieved for Adaptive Treatments!

The Royal Surrey has recently achieved two significant milestones in the treatment of patients using Online Adaptive Radiotherapy. Using the ...

New Halcyon with SGRT and Hypersight being installed at Satellite centre

The team are currently nearling completion of the commissioning procedss for a new radiotherapy treatmetn machine. The machine is a ...

Physics Research Presented at ESTRO 2023 in Vienna

The radiotherapy physics department was represented at the European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO) annual congresses held in Vienna ...

Celebrating all Clinical Scientists

The hospital has over 200 healthcare scientists working in different disciplines. To mark Healthcare Science Week (13-19 March 2023) a ...

Radiotherapy department reaches significant milestone for Adaptive Radiotherapy

The radiotherapy department at St Luke's Cancer Centre, Guildford has reached a significant milestone for delivering cutting-edge treatments. The team ...

New publication on implementing adaptive radiotherapy for cervical cancer patients

You can now read the recently published work completed in the radiotherapy department on how they have implemented online adaptive ...

Perfectly formed ‘second skin’ will improve radiation treatment for cancer patients

A new 3D printer has been installed in the radiotherapy department. Mark Long and Matt Bolt are leading the introduction ...

Royal Surrey’s Adaptive Radiotherapy featured in radmagazine

The December 2022 issue of radmagazine features a discussion centred around the Royal Surrey's experience with the Varian Ethos system ...

Radiotherapy physics vacancies in Guildford

We have three Clinical Scientist vacancies, working within the Radiotherapy team at St Luke’s Cancer Centre in Guildford, Surrey: Band ...