Risk-based breast cancer screening: Is there a role for breast density?
Research Objectives: | This case-control study investigated the effect of breast composition on risk of screen-detected and interval cancers, by time since last screen and by lymph node status. The primary objective was to look at the effect of breast composition on risk of screen-detected and interval cancers, by time since last screen. A secondary objective, was to look at the effect of breast composition measures on risk of recall and risk of 'potentially missed' cancers, interval cancers for which a lesion can be indentified retrospectively on the previous mammogram. |
Start date: | 1st January 2017 |
Duration: | 12 months |
Status: | Completed |
Funding: | The project was led by Prof. Stephen Duffy at the Centre for Cancer Prevention, Wolfson Institute of Preventive Medicine, Queen Mary University of London with funding of £110k from the American Cancer Society. |
NCCPM role: | Staff at NCCPM assembled a dataset comprising mammograms from the OPTIMAM Image database for 302 screen-detected cancers, 297 interval cancers and 605 normal controls. Volpara software was used at NCCPM to determine density for each mammogram. |