What is the process?

Expressions of interest in accessing the OPTIMAM Image Database (OMI-DB) can be submitted via this web form.

Each application for access to the data is reviewed by a Data Access Committee. The scientific proposal provided with the application is subject to scientific critique and review.

What will happen after the application form submission?

Step 1

Upon first consideration of the web form, the applicant will receive an email with further information and an Access Request Document that should be completed in full and returned to OPTIMAM. Applicants must be affiliated to either healthcare institutions, academic centres, non-profit or commercial organisations. Applications from academic centres must be led by a principal investigator with a relevant research track record.

Step 2

After the Access Request Form has been received, the OPTIMAM Data Access Committee reviews the application. The review will take into consideration several factors including:

  • Scientific Merit - For example, if the scientific aims are achievable and realistic
  • Trustworthiness - What procedures are in place with regards to data storage security
  • Reputation - Does the Research Group have expertise in the subject area
  • Ethics - is ethical approval present/being sought if applicable

An application is very likely to be rejected if:

  • The applicant does not have experience in the subject field
  • The applicant is a single student without support of a research team

Step 3

Cancer Research Horizons (CRH) will also review the application and will conduct due a diligence review of the applicant. If CRH are satisfied, the applicant will be contacted by a member of the CRT team to inform them of the outcome of the application. If the application is successful, the details of the data requirements will be discussed with a senior member of the OMI-DB team at the Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust and a sample set of the data can be provided.

Step 4

Intellectual property associated with the OMI-DB has been assigned to CRH who negotiate the licence.

Step 5

When the licence agreement is in place, the images and data agreed will be prepared for sharing.
Cloud storage is used to store and transfer images and data.