Thank you for reading the FastMRI DYAMOND Stage 1 information leaflet and for considering participation in this important research. If you would like to take part in Stage 1 of the FastMRI DYAMOND Study (to see if you can have a FAST MRI in the future) please complete the following consent form. If you have not received an Information Leaflet about the FastMRI DYAMOND Study (Stage 1), or if you would like to discuss it with a researcher, please contact your local research team on or 0117 414 7014.

I confirm that I have read the Information Leaflet about the FastMRI DYAMOND Study (Stage 1), version 1.2 (dated 30/10/2023). I have had the opportunity to consider the information and to ask questions and I have had these questions answered satisfactorily.

I consent for members of the FastMRI DYAMOND study team to send my mammogram to NHS researchers at the Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust for them to use a computer to grade my breast density.

I understand that my mammogram will not be sent until 10 working days after my consent has been received and that I can contact the study team within this time if I no longer wish for my breast density to be graded.

I understand that my mammogram and my data will be shared and stored electronically with researchers at Warwick Clinical Trials Unit and Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust.

I consent for members of the study team to look up the results of my recent mammogram and to access my screening data and breast care records electronically even if I am unable to have a FAST MRI scan.

I understand that I may withdraw my consent at any time and my clinical care will not be affected.

I understand that if the results of Stage 1 show that I am not eligible to take part in Stage 2 of the study I will be contacted by the Research team by letter and that my care will continue with the Breast Screening Service and / or local Breast Care service.

I understand that relevant sections of my medical notes and data collected during the study may be looked at by individuals from North Bristol NHS Trust (who Sponsor the study), by regulatory authorities or by other members of the research team, where it is relevant to my taking part in this research. I give permission for these individuals to have access to my records.

I understand that if the results of Stage 1 show that I am eligible to take part in Stage 2 of the study, I will be contacted by the research team with some information about having a FastMRI DYAMOND scan.